» Thank You

Thank you for your contribution to MusicZen. You now have a simple yet efficient tool to find, move, and organize your mp3 files.

Download MusicZen by clicking the green download button above.

To activate MusicZen, just open the activation window, enter your name and email and click ‘Activate’. MusicZen will create a license file that will be saved in the same directory the application is running from.

Please check out our Reference Guide before using MusicZen to organize your files. This will help you understand how MusicZen will treat your files when moving and copying to other directories.

You can also check out this video on how to get started with MusicZen.

To get familiar with the portable files, check out this post on ‘Downloading and getting to know the MusicZen portable files’.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, feedback, or comments. Also, check out the MusicZen Blog for useful articles on MusicZen and other related topics.

Thank you again for your contribution to MusicZen.

We hope you enjoy using the program.
The MusicZen Team

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